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Ministry Mission:

To express through the art of dance, praise and worship to our Lord Jesus Christ.


Ministry Vision:

To lead God’s people into His presence by praising and worshipping Him through the ministry of dance. To set the atmosphere that it is conducive prior to the word of God coming forth.


Ministry Scripture Reference:

“Let them praise his name in the dance…” – Psalms 149:3a


Ministry Description/Purpose:

To help train and teach participants to praise the Lord through spirit-filled dance that engages and encourages others to worship God with their whole heart.


Spiritual gifts, skills and traits desired for people considering serving in this ministry:

• Desire to worship God through movement and dance.

• Ability to dance in a group rhythmic sequence.

• Dependability for practices and performances.

• Passion for participating in worshipful dancing.

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First Salem Missionary Baptist Church

Address: 370 Capital Ave S.W. Battle Creek, MI, 49015


(269) 964-9637

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