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Ministry Mission:
To prepare and serve refreshments or meals for the church at designated times and occasions


Ministry Vision:
To provide healthy and acceptable food selections at designated times that help to enhance the fellowship and discipleship of God’s People.


Ministry Scripture Reference:
“Everything that lives, and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.”  – Genesis 9:3 NIV


Ministry Description/Purpose:
The Kitchen Ministry will assist the church by working with staff or event committees to provide refreshments or meals prepared and served with volunteer.


Spiritual gifts, skills and traits desired for people considering serving in this ministry:

  • Passion for serving and catering to others

  • Excellent cooking skills

  • Willingness to learn

  • Ability to work well with others

  • Ability to follow direction

  • Customer-service minded

  • Ability to adhere to the designated meal schedule

  • Serve with gladness

  • Remain polite and hospitable under pressure

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First Salem Missionary Baptist Church

Address: 370 Capital Ave S.W. Battle Creek, MI, 49015


(269) 964-9637

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